How to achieve Artificial Intlligence?

How to Achieve Intelligence? By ANONYO SANYAL In an earlier post , we saw the Turing test , and how we define intelligence. It's time to dig deeper into achieving intelligence. Here we must be aware of the fact that Turing test actually is an operational definition of intelligence. Operational definition means a definition which is not merely a theory . It speaks of some tasks, you need to perform and some steps or operation to determine the nature of an item. Thus the term operational definition comes hand in hand with the Turing test as it helps us to determine the intelligence(nature) of a computer(item). PIC.Turing Test Diagram Source:- Thus Turing defined intelligent behavior as an ability to achieve human-level performance to fool an interrogator. As in the figure above which we got from Wikipedia, we see there are three objects, A is a computer, B is a Human, C is a Huma...